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Online Sindhi Dictionaries

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سڀ جو نقصان

بين الاقوامي تعلقات جي ڊڪشنريءَ مان:

سڀ جو نقصان

Negative-Sum Out Come

نيگيٽيو-سَم آئوٽ ڪم

اهڙي صورتحال ۾ هڪ ڌُر جا ٿيندڙ گهاٽا ٻيءَ ڌُر جي نقصانن سان بلڪل برابر هُجن، يعني بين الاقوامي تعلقات ۾ سرگرمي ڪندي، ٻه ڌُريون سياست، واپار، تڪرار يا ڪنهن ٻئي معاملي ۾ گوءِ پُڄائيندي، گهاٽي ۾ رهن ۽ منجهانئن ڪنهن به هڪ ڌُر کي ڪُجهه هڙ حاصل نه ٿي سگهي. اهڙي صورتحال منجهانئن ڪنهن به ڌُر کي، پنهنجن مقصدن تائين پهُچڻ يا قومي مفاد تارڻ ۾ ڪا به مدد ڪرڻ کان قاصر هوندي آهي.

Remember Me Also:

جهڙي جهڙيون

ث. هوا يا مِينهن جي ٽِڪَ يا پيهڪ، جُٺِ ، ڦِٺِ ، ڇِينڀَ.

Let's Learn Sindhi

Online Sindhi Learning

SLA has developed online Sindhi Learning portal where non Sindhi speakers can easily learn Sindhi Language, which is developed from basic level to advance. This portal is based on Dr. Fahmida Hussain’s linguistic methodology of learning.

Visit the site

Virtual Books Library

SLA has developed virtual library where bulk amount of books in Sindhi Language’s history, learning, are posted as downloadable & online readable format. This library is developed for all platforms and systems for better access.

Visit the library

Portal for Sindhi Kids

For the Sindhi kids who are studying in primary schools, SLA has presented online academic songs extracted from their text books in musical structure. The soothing portal is ideal for Sindhi primary students.

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